Our services
Price per hour is Fr. 45.–
Weekends, holidays and after midnight:
price per hour Fr. 50.–
All Babysitters are certified teachers, care givers or have completed the babysitters course through SmallWorld and are at least 18 years old.
Possible languages spoken are: German, French, Italian, English and Spanish.
Reservations are welcome, preferably with one week notice in order to organise a Babysitter for the dates and languages requested.
Short notice is also a possibility, though not guaranteed to be able to fulfill the language specified.
Smallworld will calculate the costs of each babysitting service directly with the Hotel by payment slips or by paying directly to Smallworld. No credit cards accepted.
A non-refundable fee of 15 francs is applied to each request.
Smallworld has a liability insurance of 5 million swiss francs.
Private Child Care
Smallworld has organised programs to create a stimulating and fun environment for children of all ages, languages and interests.
The Babysitters are always from the Smallworld team.
The price is in accordance with the offer.
We offer interesting outings for children.
Birthday Parties
We also organise unforgettable birthday celebrations! For more information please call Tel. 079 285 05 09
Smallworld Child Care
Small World, opened since May 2000, is the first licensed child care facility in the heart of Bern and Olten.
Small Worlds work team is made up of four women educated in child care and four assistants in training.